

Despite the outbreak of the coronavirus we still prefer to show you our listings in person, but only in a safe way. We kindly request you to follow the guidelines of the dutch government RIVM and to take care of the following precautionary measures:


  • Do not shake hands, and stay at safe distance;
  • Wash your hands before and after the viewing;
  • Wearing a face mask during the viewing is mandatory;
  • Cough and sneeze on the inside of your elbow;
  • The estate agent is the only one touching door handles, light switches etc;
  • No more than 2 persons present during the viewing;
  • You are requested to cancel the appointment in case you have one or more of the following symptoms, sore throat, a cold, a fever, or if you suspect you are infected with the corona virus;
  • Currently there are no group viewings;
  • During the viewing you maintain at a safe distance of others.


Thank you for your cooperation.

The specialists at Valerius Rentals are happy to be at your service.

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